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Busy busy busy

So.  Apologies again for being really rubbish at posting on my blog.  I have been really busy.  Most of it self induced - some of it not.
So I'll start with a talk at Lutterworth Embroiderers Guild in April.  
The speaker was Ingrid Karlsson-Kemp.  A really interesting talk about how her work is really story telling about her life and her cultural heritage in Sweden.
She delivered a very interesting, animated talk with great illustrations of her work and the explanation of the history behind them.  She explained how she used a range of found fabrics from her family home which she said enabled her to bring that story of that fabric to her work.  In addition, she inserted subtle references to Swedish Psalms which formed an important link to her growing up. 

 It was a really interesting talk.
More posts to follow.... no honestly there will be


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