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7 random things....

Many thanks to Jade and Jessica for tagging me. The idea is that each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those who are tagged need to write on their own blog those 7 facts as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog.

So here goes:

1. Whilst at senior school I inadvertently dyed my hair pink. It was in the days when Toners and Shaders were just on the market. I thought the old one had washed out - but it obviously hadn't as it reacted with the new one and went pink. Luckily it did wash out over a period of time.

2. I got married (very young - child bride) in an emerald green dress. I looked like a corpse in white as I'm so pale.

3. I used to work in a bingo hall. I hated it - smokey, very static carpets and terrible hours. I was so glad I only had to give 1 weeks notice.

4. I am a tea monster - I drink gallons of it, but at least I'm on the de-caff now.

5. Due to my addiction to tea I've developed the ability to sniff out a good tea shop from some distance. I think I might start a blog with details of my favourite tea shops. (Latest one was "Fresh Basil', Strutt Street, Belper.)

6. I fell over when I was about 7 and smashed out my front teeth - they were left hanging on a piece of skin. The dentist refused to pull them out so my Dad had to. It was very bloody but better than them flapping in the wind.

7. I'm rather messy. People at work are surprised about this but I can assure you DH is well aware of my tendency to pile things yup and never be able to find anything. I usually end up having to have a really good tidy up and always surprise myself with what I find.

Now - the lucky 7 who I'm going to tag:

Jane at Sew create it

Print & Pattern

Marisa at Quilt Otaku

Florence's Attic


Pod Bobbins

How about orange

I'll be commenting on all of these blogs to let you know you've been tagged.

I'll be back soon with photos of my class tomorrow at Bramble Patch and then of the Malvern Show on Sunday.

Have a good weekend.


Marisa said…
Ok, I swear, I will post my 7 things tonight! Cheers!!!
Happy Zombie said…
I loved reading your list! I'm like you on #4... but I drink American tea (coffee, LOL).

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