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Confession time

Hello. Yes I'm going to make a terrible confession. I'm prone to clutter. I know you're all very shocked - I can almost hear the gasps, but it's true. I'm sure there are lots of us out there trying not to acquire clutter - but it still appears anyway. And having a hobby like quilting doesn't help as you acquire fabric and tools that seem to take up soooo much space.

Anyway, I know it's a problem (and if I forget DH is sure to remind me ;-)). I've a number of books (cluttering up my bookshelf) about how to de-clutter but the one thing they all say is - just do 15 minutes on a small area and you'll see the difference. And I know when I do - you really can tell the difference. I think my clutter shows up much more as DH is so very tidy and organised (I joke with him he's verging on OCD). I have found a blog that has some useful information on it - Unclutterer. and there's a good article with some simple guide lines. I know that when I do clear stuff up I do feel and work much better for it. Well I'd better go now and attack an area. Is there anyone else out there who can confess to the same challenge?


Unknown said…
I certainly can - does it go with the territory to have too many books about decluttering and organising, because I do that too. Unlike yours my husband is also untidy and even more of a hoarder than I am so you can imagine... or maybe best not to. Re helpful web sites, I also like Zen Habits, and No More Clutter.
Donna said…
I can let things go, but am not someone with a lot of "stuff" so it doesn't clutter much. The biggest hurdle I often see for those struggling with clutter is that when they receive an item (as a gift, or through purchase) it never has a home defined for itself! Hence it just keeps migrating from place to place, always being "clutter". I work with people eager to "declutter" and one of the most effective steps is choosing a home for things...
Jade said…
Oh geez, aren't we all hoarders?! I'm trying to declutter at the moment, but its a slow process, since I tend to acquire really nice clutter. So its all slowly disappearing via ebay and the stuff that doesn't get rescued goes into the donation bin.

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